Our site does not directly request, use or share any personally identifiable information about our users and visitors. However, we do record usage data, and do utilize services which may use user tracking methods.

Information collected and used by RecipeSource

Our site records standard web server usage logs, which record for every connection the IP address of the computer making the connection, the type of the request, the page requested, any search terms specified, any information provided by the browser of a page that contained the link being followed, and the time and date of the connection.

We use this information to generate statistics about the usage of our site, and to investigate problems with our site. This information is collected for us by our web hosting provider, currently Hurricane Electric, which has posted their privacy policy at http://he.net/privacy.html, and by Google Analytics, which has posted their privacy policies at http://www.google.com/privacy.html. We do not share the raw logs with anyone else (unless required to by a court order or other legal means), but may share the statistics which show usage of the site as a whole, without any personally identifiable information.

We are located in, and subject to the laws of, Alameda County, the state of California, and the United States of America. We believe we are treating any data we have about you in compliance with these laws, which may include being required to provide that data to the governments of those jurisdictions if ordered. (We can't imagine why they'd care what recipes you looked at, but governments do strange things sometimes.)

Search requests

Our site offers two search options - a local search, and a search using the Google search engine. If you choose to use the Google search, your query is transmitted to Google and they may use tracking cookies and your Google account information to determine which ads to show and/or add to your Google search history. For information about Google's privacy policies, see http://www.google.com/privacy.html.


In order to provide our service to you for free, we fund the site through the placement of advertisements from the Google Adsense network and the inclusion of product sales links from the Amazon.com Affiliate network. These features are embedded into the pages of our site, but the information shown is loaded from those companies. These companies may be placing and reading cookies on your user browser, or using web beacons to collect information, in the course of generating the ads and product information shown on our site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. We do not have access to the information these companies have about you - this information flows directly between your computer and theirs, without going through ours.

For information about Google's advertising privacy policies and how to opt out of their tracking, see http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html.

For information about Amazon.com's privacy policies and how to opt out of their tracking, see http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm/privacy-policy.html.

Recipes and other site contents

Most of the recipes on our site came from Internet mailing lists, Usenet news groups, or user submissions. We have recorded the name and/or e-mail address of the original sender we got the recipe from, but currently do not display that on our site to prevent exposing those senders to more spam. We may do so in the future if we feel we can do so in a safe manner.

Some of the recipe texts may include names, e-mail addresses, or other comments that contain information about the submitter, author, or other persons involved in the preparation and posting of the recipes. If you wish to have any such information removed from the pages on our site, simply send us e-mail at recipes @ recipesource.com.