Recipes in this category:

Due to the large number of recipes in this category, the list of recipes has been split into multiple pages for quick downloads, and is also available as a single page listing all 111 recipes.

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  1. Pate Aux Patates (Potato Pie)
  2. Pate Aux Poireaux (Leek Tart)
  3. Pate Aux Poireaux (Leek Tart)
  4. Peanut Butter Nanaimo Bars
  5. Petits Bateaux Dans la Sauce (Little Boats in Sauce)
  6. Pets De Soeurs ( Cinnamon Rolls)
  7. Pictou County Oatcakes
  8. Ployes (Griddle Cakes)
  9. Pot En Pot
  10. Potage De Ble ( Corn Soup)
  11. Potage De Ble ( Corn Soup)
  12. Potato Scones
  13. Pouding Aux Pommes Au Sirop D'erable (Apple M
  14. Pouding Aux Pommes Au Sirop D'erable (Apple Maple Pudding)
  15. Pouding Renverse Des Bluets (Blueberry Upside Down Pudding)
  16. Poutines Rapees
  17. Pumpkin Potatoes
  18. Pumpkin Potatoes
  19. Quebec Apple Dumplings
  20. Quebec Apple Dumplings
  21. Quebec Apple Dumplings
  22. Quebec Poached Salmon
  23. Quebec Tourtiere
  24. Quebec Tourtiere
  25. Quebec-Style Roast Goose
  26. Runny Butter Tarts
  27. Salted Herbs
  28. Salted Herbs
  29. Saskatoon Pie
  30. Scotch Barley Broth
  31. Scotch Barley Broth
  32. Seafood Chowder
  33. Singing Hinnies
  34. Skewered Mozzarella With Canadian Bacon
  35. Skidaddle Cookies
  36. Smothered Muskrat and Onions
  37. Soft Molasses Cookies
  38. Soupe A L'ivrogne (Drunkard’s Soup)
  39. Soupe a L'ivrogne (Drunkard’s Soup)
  40. Soupe Aux Pois Beauceons (Pea Soup, Beauce St
  41. Soupe Aux Pois Beauceons (Pea Soup, Beauce Style)
  42. Souvlaki with Tzaziki
  43. Strawberry Spinach Salad
  44. Tarte Au Sucre Jaune (Brown Sugar Pie)
  45. (Tetes De Violon A L'ail (Garlic-Flavoured Fiddleheads)
  46. (Tetes De Violon a L'ail (Garlic-Flavoured Fiddleheads)
  47. The Mother Superior’s Cabbage Salad
  48. The Ultimate Butter Tart
  49. Toronto Pie
  50. Tourtiere

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